LifestylesTopeka News

Netflix show causes increase in thrift store donations

If you like thrift shopping, you’re in luck.

A new Netflix show called “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” is teaching people to let go of material things.

The minimalist home/life improvement show is based on the wildly popular 2014 book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” and starring the book’s author, Japanese organization expert Marie Kondo.

CNN reports that thrift stores across the country have seen an increase in donations.

Thrift stores in our area even hear donors talk about the show’s effect.

“They have mentioned the show, Marie Kondo about her simplistic lifestyle,” said Michael Kloos, General Manager at God’s Storehouse in Topeka. “People have been bringing donations as a direct result of her show definitely.”

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God’s Storehouse employees say they’re surprised to see the increase even in the winter. Thrift stores typically see this as their slow season with the inclement weather.

In the show, Kondo shares the wisdom of the “KonMari” method. This method is simple in theory but can be complex in practice: You divide all the stuff in your house into several categories, and then examine each item to see if it sparks joy. If it does, you keep it. If it doesn’t, you discard it.

She also teaches the vertical storage method, which makes items easier to see and find.

We live in “an acquiring culture,” says Michael Tompkins, a licensed psychologist, “and perhaps there are some of us, myself included, that long for the serenity that can come with less stuff.”

  • Kelly Saberi of KSNT contributed to this report
In her popular Netflix show, Marie Kondo teaches the vertical storage method, which makes items easier to see and find.


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