New website to assist Kansans coping with ag-related stress

Agriculture producers have faced significant challenges in recent years, including the stress of market uncertainties, natural disasters, ongoing trade wars and other setbacks.
These stressful situations have led to heightened focus on mental health issues in the agricultural community. In response, the Kansas Department of Agriculture, along with several Kansas ag partners, have unveiled a new website to provide resources and support to those dealing with ag-related stress.
“The increase in suicide rates among farmers and ranchers is alarming,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “We must do everything in our power to curb this trend. The website provides additional resources and support to individuals and their loved ones. We must provide our farmers and ranchers alternatives to suicide. We must be there for them.”
The new website addresses the challenges that Kansas farmers, ranchers and their families face in today’s ag industry. Recent natural disasters, depressed commodity prices and other issues weigh heavily on farm families and can take a toll that leads to mental and emotional distress, substance abuse, anxiety, depression and even suicide. Visitors to the website will be able to find local and national resources for those issues, as well as support in areas ranging from stress management to financial and legal challenges.
“This website is intended to be a collaborative effort to support the emotional and financial health challenges for Kansans, especially those involved in agriculture,” Kansas Secretary of Agriculture Mike Beam said. “Many people were involved in the development of the website. Our hope is that it will be a positive resource for people struggling during difficult times.”
The website,, features resources and support for every member of the family, from teens to aging adults. Unique resources are also available to assist our farmer veterans, who face the issues that come with farming, along with the possible challenges of being a military veteran.
“The purpose of this website is to help care for and assist Kansas farmers and ranchers in their well-being,” Beam said. “As more tools are developed and come available, this website will be updated and serve as a hub of current information and resources.”
The Kansas Department of Agriculture and the State of Kansas is committed to serving Kansas farmers, ranchers, agribusinesses and the customers they serve, and has made it a priority to provide support and assistance to Kansans battling ag-related stress and mental health struggles.
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