
Pastor Appreciation Winner Announced

Metro Voice honors Pastor Carroll C. McCarroll of Heart of America Christian Fellowship

pastors mccarrollBy Dwight Widaman | Editor

Pastors are often under appreciated these days. That’s why, during Pastor Appreciation Month in October, Metro Voice invited readers to let us know why they have a great pastor. We’ve read the many entries and have chosen one pastor to receive a Branson vacation. Pastor Carroll C. McCarroll of Heart of America Christian Fellowship, 7600 Blue Ridge Blvd., Kansas City, will receive two nights lodging at a property owned by the award-winning Myer Hotel chain, show tickets (including the Great Passion Play in Eureka Springs, Ark.), gift and shopping cards to area restaurants and shops plus a gas card. We want to thank Midwest Minister’s Fellowship and Howard Cordell for providing funds for the gift cards.

We had so many great entries (winning entry below) it was difficult to pick just one. So many pastors work tirelessly serving the community across Kansas City. From Metro Voice and our readers–THANK YOU!

Dear Metro Voice,

When I first considered writing 300 words seemed like writing a novel but as I reflected on my pastor, his life and works 300 words seem a fleeting thought. My pastor, Dr. Carroll C. McCarroll is a well-respected, revered man of God.

From a personal point of view one of the things I respect the most is his standing firm on the word of God. In reading the statistics listed in the Metro Voice the only one I feel Pastor McCarroll succumbs to would be the hours. He is active in the Heart of America Christian Academy, Heart of American Christian College and Theological Seminary, Heart of America Ministries, and Kingsway Fellowship International.

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Pastors Carroll and Bonnie Sue McCarroll have a ministry spanning several decades while still raising a wonderful family of five. Two of their sons serve as Assistant Pastors. Pastor is always available for any opportunity that comes his way from maintaining church grounds to helping with the recent church parking lot sale to teaching the new members Sunday School class to teaching and preaching from the pulpit.

Pastor is currently fighting health issues but is more concerned with the health and well-being of his flock. He is always there for prayer; healing and laying on of hands for those in need. Pastor has a unique way of reaching all with his sermons. Young and old, saved and unsaved are touched by his messages and he is always there to answer questions.

My grand-daughter is enrolled in the Heart of America Christian Academy. The scriptural and textbook training she is receiving is astronomical. Her math grades are exceptional and she can say the books of the Bible in order.

Again kudos to Pastor McCarroll. I pray to be under his teaching and guidance for many years to come.

Love in Christ, Cynthia Prince


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