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Pro-life Missouri Senators will set record for longest filibuster ever as debate over redistricting goes on

Today seven conservative, pro-life Missouri senators are setting a record for the longest filibuster in Missouri state history. It’s part of their effort to oppose 14 Senate Republicans who have sided with Democrats in weakening the state’s future Congressional delegation through redistricting.

Preston Smith | Columnist

The plan the filibustering Republicans prefer is known as “7-1,” would increase Republican representation in Congress by one seat from the current 6-2 make-up by taking advantage of growing population centers in conservative areas of the state. It’s not an unusual plan, or something not already being done by Democrat-controlled legislatures across the nation. Republicans are set to lose at least six seats through Democrat redistricting efforts being approved from New York to Illinois, California and beyond. Democrats have stated their plan will help make up for what political scientists say will be a bloodbath for them in the November midterm elections.

Conservative Republicans in Missouri say this is an opportunity for the state’s conservatives to truly be represented by the new Census data.

As for the Missouri Senators, they’ll surpass 39 hours of debate, eclipsing the old record set in 2016. That bill in 2016 was sponsored by another filibustering Senator today, Sen. Bob Onder.

The seven conservatives started the debate on Monday this week and show no signs of letting up. On Monday, Feb. 14, the conservatives will get some outside support when truckers from around the country will form a Freedom Convoy when they come to Jefferson City, similar to what is occurring in Canada. The goal would be to continue the peaceful trucking protest until the Republican Senators in favor of the 6-2 plan yield and vote to approve a redistricting map that will be in place for the next decade to determine representation in Congress. Opponents of the 6-2 plan say it would eventually lead to a 5-3 Republican, Democrat representation in a state that is solidly Republican.

A “Trucker’s Welcome” lunch is planned for 300 at 916 Hibernia Road, adjacent to the Jefferson City airport, several Republican speakers are scheduled, and at 2 PM, there will be a rally in the Capitol Rotunda. At 4 PM, the public will sit in the Senate Gallery to watch the redistricting debate continue. Guests are asked to plan on staying late, until the session adjourns.

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Businesses around Jefferson City are donating food and supplies for the truckers and the crowd coming to this statewide event.

Missouri’s pro-life community has thrown their weight behind the 7-1 plan because it would strengthen pro-life policies in Congress and help provide Republicans with a majority in Congress to block pro-abortion policies of the Biden administration.

Pro-life individuals are encouraged to contact their State Senator:

Please contact these Republican Senators and voice your opinion and encourage them to support more pro-life, Republican Congressmen and Congresswomen in Washington.
Please call and email your thanks and appreciation to these Republican Senators of the Conservative Caucus! They are fighting for our pro-life values!

–Preston Smith




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