
Reader anticipation for ‘The Oracle’ by Jonathan Cahn

Millions of Christian are familiar with Jonathan Cahn and his New York Times best-sellers of the past decade. First were the smash hits and New York Times best-sellers. They include “The Harbinger,” “The Mystery of the Shemitah,” “The Book of Mysteries” and “The Paradigm.”

Now, in his upcoming book, The Oracle: The Jubilean Mysteries Unveiled, Cahn opens up the Jubilean prophecies and a mystery so big he claims, that it has determined everything from the rise and fall of world empires to two world wars, the current events of our day and much more.

The newest book seeks answers these questions:

  • Could an ancient prophecy and a mysterious ordinance given in a Middle Eastern desert over 3,000 years ago be determining the events of our day?
  • Could some of the most famous people of modern history and current events be secretly linked to this mystery—even a modern president of the United States?
  • Could this ancient revelation pinpoint the events of our times down to the year, month and day of their occurring?
  • Could a mysterious phenomenon be manifesting on the world stage on an exact timetable determined from ancient times?
  • Could these manifestations have altered—and now be altering—the course of world events?

In The Oracle, due out this fall, Cahn takes his readers on a journey to find the man called “the Oracle.” One by one each of the Jubilean mysteries will be revealed through the giving of a vision. Readers will also discover the ancient scrolls that contain the appointed words that have determined the course of world history from the onset of modern times up to our day. Ultimately, “The Oracle” will reveal the secret that lies behind end‐time prophecy and the mystery of the end of the age.


As with “The Harbinger” and “The Book of Mysteries,” Cahn, the subject of a recent New York Times feature article, reveals the mysteries through a narrative; a traveler is given seven keys, each for the opening of one of seven doors. Behind each door lies one of the seven streams of the Jubilean mysteries. Readers are taken on a journey, led by angelic guides, through each door and vision to uncover the ancient secrets that lie behind the world‐changing events of modern times.

And as with Cahn’s other works, readers will find that the mysteries revealed within the pages of The Oracle are absolutely real, amazing, life‐changing and mind‐blowing, as they build upon Cahn’s vast knowledge of prophecy.

Cain’s extremely popular book “The Harbinger” became an instant New York Times best seller and brought him to national and international prominence, followed by three more best sellers. Long before writing these books, he was known for opening the deep mysteries of Scripture and bringing forth messages of prophetic import. He leads Hope of the World ministry, an international outreach of teaching, evangelism and compassion projects for the needy. He also leads the Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel, a worship center made up of Jews and Gentiles, people of all backgrounds, just outside New York City, in Wayne, New Jersey. He is a much‐sought‐after speaker and has been called the prophetic voice of our generation. He has spoken at the United Nations, on Capitol Hill and to millions of people around the world.

For more information on “The Oracle,” visit“The Oracle” will be released Sept. 3 by Frontline, an imprint of Charisma House, which publishes books that challenge, encourage, teach and equip Christians, including 14 New York Times bestsellers.

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