Salvation Army needs bell ringers for the Holiday Season

The season of giving has arrived, and the familiar sound of bell ringing has announced the beginning of The Salvation Army’s annual Red Kettle Campaign.
Salvation Army bell ringers are as much a part of the season as caroling and last-minute shopping. To see what times are needed for bellringers, go to, or call 785-233-9648, or email
They are now accepting applications until December 12th at their headquarters. All that’s required is a resume, ID and a Social Security Card.
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The Red Kettle Christmas Campaign enables the Salvation Army to provide food, toys and clothing to more than six million people during the Christmas season and helps more than 34 million Americans recovering from all kinds of personal disasters nationwide. The Red Kettle campaign, which first started in San Francisco in 1891, has traditionally been the Salvation Army’s most prominent fundraiser. About 70 percent of the money the Salvation Army collects for the year comes during the holidays.
Money collected during the campaign supports Salvation Army programs throughout the year, such as utility assistance, disaster relief and food programs, which have gotten a head start thanks to last year’s campaign.
–Lee Hartman | Metro Voice
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