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Secret formula? World’s oldest married couple honored

Is there a secret to both long life and a long marriage? If so, it was discovered by a couple in Ecuador. The Guinness World Record for being the oldest couple in holy matrimony have a combined age of 215 years old.

The pair is now the oldest married couple alive today anywhere in the world and have been married 79 years.

According to People magazine, Julio Mora and Waldramina Quinteros were married in February 1941, a union that went against their family’s wishes.

Mora is 110 years old; Quinteros is 104.

“For us, Julio Cesar and Waldramina, it is a great honor and pride to have a Guinness World Records title because it is the highest award that the world recognizes,” the couple said in a statement to the record book.

“The secret formula = love + maturity + mutual respect,” they added.

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The couple were married in the first church, La Iglesia de El Belen, that the Spanish built in Quito, Ecuador‘s capital, where they reside. Together they had five children, the eldest of whom died when he was 58. They are also grandparents to 11, great-grandparents to 21, and great-great-grandparents to one.

“The love and maturity that we had as a couple from the beginning of the marriage allowed us to know each other and grow emotionally to define our future,” they said.

“It was not easy because our relatives did not have a good relationship, but with time and patience we were able to unite them and we became an example and the best reference for the younger generations.”Both Mora and Quinteros are retired teachers. They received the Guinness certification for their record earlier this month.

“Family unity under the rules of love, mutual respect, honest work, and proper education based on family values are the keys to healthy coexistence,” the couple said.

READ:  Bible tips for a long marriage

Due to the coronavirus restrictions, the couple have been unable to have family contact, one of their daughter’s told The Associated Press.

“[F]or a month they have been different, more downcast because they miss large family gatherings,” she said.

The couple added, “It is true that at this time it is difficult because we are overwhelmed by the pandemic that affects the world and we still do not have a solution. However, the first step for us to follow the rules with respect and love the life.”

The Ecuadorian couple broke the previously listed record held by John and Charlotte Henderson of Austin, Texas, who have a combined age of 212 years and 52 days.

–Metro Voice and wire services


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