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Shawnee County Phase 3 Reopening; here’s what that means

The Shawnee County Covid-19 Response Team and the Shawnee County Health Officer have moved the county into Shawnee County Phase 3 Reopening as of Monday, June 8.

Under Shawnee County Phase 3, all businesses can open with some restrictions.

General Guidelines

  • Mask wear is highly encouraged by everyone but is required for some employees and industries (see below)
  • Social distancing rules apply in every location
  • Hygiene and facility cleaning practices consistent with CDC guidelines
  • Showers and locker rooms are allowed to be used and should be cleaned frequently
  • Mass Gatherings has increased to 45 persons

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Here are the details for Shawnee County Phase 3

Nursing homes: Are strongly recommended to follow the recommendations from the federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for a phased relaxation of the current precautions. (https://www.cms.gov/files/document/qso-20-30-nh.pdf-0).

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Bars located in other establishments (bowling alleys, restaurants, pools, etc.): Must follow the restrictions of bars listed below. Total occupancy is based on the fire marshal’s guidance for the facility.

Restaurants: Subject to limits of mass gatherings and social distancing. Waiting lines must also be monitored. Workers who have contact with customers must wear masks and sanitize hands between tables. People with symptoms are not allowed.

Counter Service: If service at the counter is provided, there must be at least 6 feet of distance between adjacent chairs or bar stools. Ordering food and paying for it at a counter or register space is still allowed. Social distancing rules and sanitation standards apply.

Self-Serve: Buffets, salad bars, soft drink machines and the like are now allowed.

Bars and nightclubs: May open at 50% capacity. Social distancing & mass gathering rules and sanitation standards apply. Waiting lines must be monitored. Workers who have contact with customers must wear masks and sanitize hands between tables. People with symptoms are not allowed.

Retail businesses: Social distancing & mass gathering rules apply. Workers who have contact with customers must wear masks. Shopping carts must be disinfected before customers have access to them. Hand sanitizer must be readily available. Marks must be applied to floors to indicate 6’ waiting space for checkout.

Personal services (salons, barbers, pet grooming, tattoo parlors, etc: Mass gathering rules apply. Both practitioner and customer must wear masks. One customer per service provider. Any service inhibited by a mask is prohibited. Hair braiding must follow KDHE guidance.

Entertainment venues (theatres, concert venues, bowling alleys, etc: Social distancing & mass gathering rules apply: Must have preassigned seats or other measures. Workers who have contact with customers must wear masks. Bars, concessions & restaurant areas must meet requirements for those facilities.

Mass Gatherings: The number for mass Gatherings has increased to 45 persons. In practical application it means “groups of people”. An event or locations can have up to 45 people in one group. If a facility is large enough to hold multiple groups of 45 that can retain social distancing (groups of 45 staying six to ten feet apart) it is acceptable. Multiple groups in one area should not mingle. Mask wear for everyone is highly encouraged.

Mass events open to public (fairs, festivals, carnivals, parades, concerts, etc.): limited to 2,000 participants, or 50% capacity, whichever is smaller, at any one time. Social distancing & mass gathering rules apply.

Gyms and Fitness Centers: Staff must be present at all times. Social distancing & mass gathering rules apply. Workers who have contact with customers must wear masks.  Equipment must be spaced 6’ apart and cleaned between uses.

Swimming pools: Limited to 50% capacity. Social distancing & mass gathering rules apply. People with symptoms are not allowed. Workers who have contact with customers must wear masks. Bars, concessions & restaurant areas must meet requirements for those facilities.

Childcare and summer camps: Social distancing & mass gathering rules apply. Enhanced daily cleanings required. Children should be cared for by the same caregiver every day. Limit mixing of children by staggering playground & activity times.

Mask Wear: Mask wear is highly encouraged and, in some case, required.

  • CDC states “CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain, such as grocery stores, pharmacies, and gas stations. Cloth face coverings may slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others. Cloth face coverings can be made from household items.”
  • The Surgeon General opinion has changed and now agrees with the CDC guidance and now links directly to the CDC recommendation site in the above bullet.
  • The WHO offers advice, videos on proper mask wear and other advice on the same at https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public/when-and-how-to-use-masks


Here are additional notes from the county document:

On June 3, 2020, the Kansas House passed HB-2016 and on June 4, 2020, the Kansas Senate passed HB-2016, which was sent to the governor for her signature or veto.

A different provision immediately relevant from the passing of HB-2016 is that anyone who “intentionally violates” an order(s) of this nature will be assessed a civil penalty of up to $2,500 per violation, in addition to any other penalty provided by law. Direct enforcement of these an order(s) shall be through an action brought under Chapter 60 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, known as the Rules of Civil Procedure, by the Attorney General or the county or district attorney in the county in which the violation took place.

By K.S.A. 65-201 and 65-202, the Shawnee County Health Officer has the authority to issue public health orders during any phase of the Plan, as does K.S.A. 65-116a through 65-129f. The Shawnee County Health Officer hereby incorporates by reference the Phase 3 of the Governor’s Ad Astra Plan as the plan for Shawnee County, and the restrictions contained therein shall become the restrictions in Shawnee County.

Throughout all these reopening phases, Shawnee County residents should maintain social distancing, practice good hygiene, remain home when sick, follow isolation and quarantine orders issued by state.


  • It is the responsibility of Shawnee County to implement restrictions to maintain the Public Health infrastructure and preparedness (Hospitals and Public Health operations). This is performed through communication, education, guidance, enforcement, and applicable public safety orders.
  • It is the responsibility of businesses who choose to open to follow local guidance to safely operate during this phased reopening.
  • It is the responsibility of each individual to take personal measures to keep themselves safe through personal risk assessments and measures.


For complete information for Shawnee County Phase 3 go here.

The next phase (presumably Phase Out) is not expected before June 22, 2020.

For any questions please contact: Incident Commander Dustin.nichols@snco.us.



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