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Shoes: the truth about what we track into our homes

Growing up your mom may have told you to take off your shoes when you came indoors. You probably guessed she was right all along.

Taking off your shoes when entering homes is standard practice in many cultures around the world and is becoming increasingly standard in the U.S. But that doesn’t mean it comes without a lot of debate–and some sometimes hurt feelings.

So which side of the wearing-shoes-in-the-house argument is right? There are some scientific reasons for taking them off.

The disgusting argument for ‘shoes off’

New York City board-certified pediatrician Dr. Alison Mitzner admits that she’s “that annoying friend” who asks people to take off their shoes when coming into her home.

“So many germs and bacteria can be brought in from your shoes, including toxins and E. coli,” Mitzner explains.

After all, think about what those shoes encounter when you’re outside. City dwellers, in particular, are likely stepping on “animal feces, food garbage, people’s spit and nasal discharge, perhaps some semen or vomit, gasoline, oil, pesticides, fertilizer and a thousand other biological materials,” points out Irwin Stromeyer, owner of Sterile Space Infection Defense, a company that offers a range of infection control services.

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shoesPlus, if you live or work in large cities like Chicago, San Francisco or New York, you’re likely to step in human excrement more often than not. Not to mention what you track in after visiting a hospital, restaurant or any location where the floor regularly comes into contact with blood, vomit, food or other contaminated materials.

In fact, according to a University of Houston study, more than 26 percent of shoes worn inside the home are contaminated with Clostridium difficile (C. diff), a bacterium that can cause stomach pain and explosive diarrhea. In a separate study from the University of Arizona, researchers found that 96 percent of shoe soles also contain fecal bacteria–you know, poop. Gross.

Beyond being utterly disgusting, these stats are especially concerning if you have kids or an elderly person in your household.

“Because their immune systems are weaker, they have a higher chance of getting a more serious infection,” Mitzner points out. “Also, we all know that children, especially younger toddlers, crawl and put everything in their mouths. Keeping shoes off will reduce their risks of being exposed to these bacteria.”

If you don’t think that’s a concern, try letting your  kid play on the floor of a public bathroom stall.

Put your best foot forward

While there are scientific arguments both for and against pulling off footwear the moment you enter the front door, experts do seem to agree on one thing: To minimize the risk of getting sick, go out of your way to keep a clean home.

Vacuum and clean the carpet. “You should be doing this at least once a week,” says Richard Ciresi, franchise owner of Aire Serv, an HVAC service provider.

Air out your home. Open windows and allow for some cross-ventilation. “The air quality inside is usually much worse than outside, so allow the fresh air to come in and purify,” Ciresi advises.

Read labels. “Many conventional household cleaning products contain powerful chemicals that are toxic to your skin and lungs,” Ciresi says. To keep your immunity system strong, consider making your own household cleaners using common items such as vinegar and baking soda. (Just consult a recipe so you don’t accidentally make a volcano—or worse.) You can also look for nontoxic, ready-made options at your store.

Avoid pesticides. Using pesticides in your yard means you’ll track chemicals all over your house. Whether you’ve got pests inside or out, opt for baits and traps.

Remove smells naturally. If a smell’s dragged into your home on your shoes, don’t pull out a can of potpourri spray to cover it. “Air fresheners cause the buildup of potentially harmful VOCs in your home,” Ciresi says. “If your home is smelly, remove the offending item or air it out naturally.”

If you decide to allow shoes on in your home, at the very least, “I would suggest washing your shoes in the washing machine and cleaning your carpets frequently,” Mitzner says. But “to me, taking off your shoes is so much easier!”

As for visiting the home of another, always remove your shoes unless told by the homeowner to keep them on.

– and MV Staff.

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