
Short-term Lutheran missionaries needed to teach English

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) Office of International Mission is seeking to place 20 short-term missionaries who can teach English as a foreign language, or EFL, at schools and churches overseas.

In order to take part in the next new-missionary orientation, applications must be received by April 1.

No special experience is required, but candidates must be college graduates — including those set to graduate this spring — and members of LCMS congregations.

Service can be from two to three years, or longer, and opportunities are available now in a number of countries including Korea, Poland, Sri Lanka and Taiwan, as well as Hong Kong and Macau.

It’s “absolutely” a great opportunity for new college graduates, retired couples and everyone in between, according to the Rev. Dan McMiller, director of recruitment for the Office of International Mission.

Those who are interested in missionary service can use the experience “to examine missionary life,” McMiller says, to see if it’s something God is calling them to do on a more permanent basis.

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In a Feb. 26 letter LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison wrote of the “huge need our church partners have” for EFL teachers. “We are praying that we can fill that need,” he writes. “Would you help us spread the word?”

“This could be just the message someone in your congregation seeks to hear,” adds Harrison.

To see a list of opportunities, visit http://lcms.org/service>.

For more information, contact Erin Alter, program manager, Career/GEO, at erin.alter@lcms.org.

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