FaithMissouri NewsNews

State Rep. relies on faith after missionary daughter, son-in-law murdered

Missouri Rep. Ben Baker is still coming to grips with the murder of his daughter and son-in-law, Natalie and Davy Lloyd, who were missionaries in Haiti.

“This has been the most difficult thing we’ve ever faced,” he says.  “They were special people, exceptional in so many ways — very mature beyond their years. Their life was such a contrast to our current culture, where people are so caught up in self and worried about all the things that really don’t matter. And Davy and Natalie were completely sold out to the calling of God. and they were an example of selfless love toward people that, even, ultimately, in this situation, did not return that love.”

Although some might struggle to understand why people would so selflessly put themselves in harm’s way, Baker said he has always taught his children to listen to the voice of the Lord.

“I’ve always taught my children that the will of God is the absolute most important thing that you could pursue in your life, no matter where that takes you,” he said. “Natalie chose missions and even in a dangerous place, but it was something that we still supported.”

Although Baker doesn’t have all of the answers surrounding why the situation ended the way it did, he knows he can still fully trust God.

“I believe in that principle, yet I don’t understand all of this, how it has turned out, and may not completely understand it until I get to heaven,” he said. “But I still try to trust that God is sovereign and he has a plan that’s greater than ours.”

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This steady and strong faith is what has led Baker to so openly share his daughter’s story, something he believes already inspiring people around the globe.

“We’re getting stacks of cards in our mail every day from people around the world that we don’t even know are reaching out, just saying that this story touched their hearts, this story touched their lives,” he said. “I’ve already heard of several instances of people coming to know Christ as a result of this.”

Baker believes the devotion that drove Natalie and Davy to so earnestly love others will serve as an example to the next generation.

“We’ve read of Jim Elliot and of Elisabeth Elliot, we’ve read the ‘Foxe’s Book of Martyrs,’ but this is a vivid, modern-day example of people who gave their lives for the gospel,” he said. “And I think it’s going to have a powerful impact on this generation.”

–Alan Goforth | Metro Voice

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