Summer camp opportunities abound across area
Across the region there are great summer camp offerings and other resources for families and children of all ages.
Summer camps and programs are a perfect way for kids to connect with their faith and make more friends at the same time. There are many types of camps to choose from: traditional away-camps a distance from home requiring 2-3 days to two week stays, day camps where the child returns home each evening, to longer camps that offer opportunities for training to return as a camp counselor when older. The focus of each camp can vary as well. Some camps are denominational in nature and bring students from their church and other churches in their denomination together. The camps are them-based and bring students from a variety of denominational backgrounds. Either type of camp may focus on spirituality and are often centered around outdoor activities. While this can be true for local opportunities, Day Camps may also be either denominational in nature or open to all children with faith backgrounds. These may also have themes around the fine arts, science, exploration other topics.