Survey: Generosity more common among church-going Christians
Christians who attend church regularly are more likely to be taught and experience generosity in their own lives than non-Christians, according to a new Barna survey.
The poll conducted of 2,016 adults in the U.S found that 79 percent of Christians who practice their faith said they were taught generosity by someone, while only 58 percent of non-Christians said the same.
A Barna analysis of the data showed practicing Christians are significantly more likely to say principles of generosity were taught to them
The conclusions highlight how church communities can be hubs for generous activity.
Churches can follow the example of the Apostle Paul by both encouraging and showcasing generosity in their congregations.
READ: Barna finds adults still find church relevant
Out of practicing Christians, 65 percent have said that they have been the recipient of someone’s extraordinary generosity, compared to 41 percent of non-Christians and 46 percent of all U.S. adults.
Analysis from the Barna data said there are two possible explanations for this gap.
They suggest practicing Christians are more likely to be around other practicing Christians and there is a high chance for someone to be a participant in and recipient of a generous community.
The other reason is practicing Christians may be more apt to notice generosity in their everyday life.
The Barna analysis also suggested that, because church services promote a greater awareness of giving, it becomes a higher priority for Christians.
Previous studies have found that generosity increased during covid.
–Alan Goforth | Metro Voice