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Those inaugural flags on the National Mall? They funded abortion

The inauguration of Joe Biden on Wednesday prominently featured almost 200,000 American flags on the National Mall. Meant to represent members of the public who could not attend due to COVID-19, the “Field of Flags” as it was called, also supported a myriad of causes including abortion.

The Biden Inauguration Committee promoted the ability of individuals to “sponsor” one or more flags at the inauguration., thought to be a first. “To include the American people in the inaugural ceremonies, we welcome Americans to become a symbolic sponsor of the Field of Flags,” the committee states on the official website.

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But what the casual observer of the inauguration or the field of flags may not have known is that when sponsoring a flag, you were also sponsoring a myriad of liberal causes – including abortion on demand through Planned Parenthood.

The site states that you even get a special certificate: “sponsors will receive special digital materials, including an exclusive certificate of sponsorship to share with their communities, highlighting their support in the National Day of Service and participation in this historic event.”

According to the Biden website, contributions are being divided up between over 90 various organizations and included prominently on that long list is Planned Parenthood Federation of America – the nation’s largest abortion company.

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Many of the country’s activist groups on the left were included. But it seems Planned Parenthood was the main beneficiary of the inaugural donations. By signing up, the donor agrees to receive marketing and fundraising letters and emails from Planned Parenthoodood.

“You’ll receive emails from Planned Parenthood organizations. You may unsubscribe at any time,” the donation page states at the bottom.

The flags or intended beneficiaries of donations has not gone unnoticed.

“Americans who quickly make a donation to sponsor a flag on the Mall might very well unwittingly contribute to the nation’s largest, most profitable abortion corporation — and they have no choice but to opt in to that corporation’s email subscription list,” wrote National Review reported, “This isn’t terribly surprising considering that such a fundraising drive is being sponsored by the committee for an incoming administration that Planned Parenthood’s executives are busy helping to staff.”

–Metro Voice

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