Timothy Lutheran School: The Best Kept Secret in Blue Springs
Timothy Lutheran School (TLS), established in 2001, is located at 301 E Wyatt Rd, Blue Springs, MO. Headed by Ken Holland, Principal, TLS serves 179 students, grades Preschool – 8, with a staff of 23, 12 of whom are accredited.
TLS is affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and is accredited by the National Lutheran Schools Association. Timothy Lutheran School is known as the “best-kept secret of Blue Springs” as school-aged students achieve an average of two grade levels above expectations on national academic achievement tests. In addition to a traditional academic curriculum, TLS includes spiritual guidance through formal religious instruction, weekly chapel, and participation in congregational celebrations. TLS offers vocal and instrumental music and extracurricular sports such as soccer, volleyball, basketball, track, and cross country.
More info: timothylutheranschool.com