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Topeka bucks national trends with 25% decline in local crime

Amid national reports in 2021 of record-setting crime rates in the U.S., Topeka achieved its lowest homicide rate in five years.

According to the Topeka Police Department’s 2021 year-end report, the capital city saw a 25% decrease in overall crime last year. Meanwhile, local property crime was down 27% in 2021, and violent crime saw a 13.5% drop.

“The 2021 capital city crime statistics are outstanding. I am very proud of the work that was put in by our community, in support of the brave officers of the Topeka Police Department,” said Chief Bryan Wheeles. “Challenging times necessitate more communication, collaboration and innovation. This community has embraced those guiding principles. Topeka is moving in the right direction – together.”

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In 2021, Topeka saw a five-year low in the number of reported homicides and a three-year low in reported shootings. The Topeka Police Department’s recent report reinforces data published by BestPlaces.net that ranked Shawnee County’s crime rate well below the national average. Shawnee County received a violent crime score of 14 (out of 100), compared to a U.S. national average of 22.7.

“We are extremely proud of the work our community has done to make Topeka and Shawnee County one of the safest communities in the United States,” said Matt Pivarnik, CEO of the Greater Topeka Partnership. “It’s extremely encouraging to see Topeka’s crime has been on the decline, especially when you consider recent national trends. I tend to think the strides we have made to improve community morale, coupled with increased prosperity in our city over the past decade, are among the factors driving these latest crime stats. While there is always more to do, this is an exceptional start. I applaud our local law enforcement for their work.

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–Lee Hartman | Metro Voice


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