FaithNewsPersecuted ChurchWorld

Voice of the Martyrs encourages churches to pray for persecuted Christians this Sunday

The International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians, sponsored by Voice of the Martyrs, is scheduled for this Sunday.

“This special day is set aside as a global prayer meeting for persecuted Christians who stand as a bold witness to Christ on the world’s most dangerous mission frontiers,” according to the organization’s website. “The earnest prayers of the global body of believers testify to the unity found only in Christ. May God inspire us as we enter into fellowship with our persecuted Christian family.”

An average of 13 Christians are killed daily because of their faith, Geopolitical Intelligence Services reported. Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs encourages churches to get involved.

“Voice of the Martyrs has a plethora of resources for the International Day of Prayer available digitally,” he said. .”Share them with your pastor, whoever leads your small group, and tell him, ‘hey, this is coming up; I want to ensure our church is involved.’ Pastors like to hear from people in their congregation about things that are important to them. Let your pastor know this is important to you.”

The ministry posted a video on YouTube highlighting the story about how a young boy raised in a Buddhist home converted to Christianity after his first-grade teacher would read the Scriptures to him.

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“The goal of the video is simply to put a name and a face on the people we’re praying for so that we can pray more knowledgeably and effectively, rather than saying, ‘God bless persecuted Christians,’ and we don’t know what they’re going through, who they are or what they look like,” Nettleton said. “It’s not too late to involve your church or small group in prayer for persecuted Christians.”

More information is available at

–Dwight Widaman | Metro Voice

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