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‘We are executing children in cold blood’: Activist mommy plans ‘Day of Mourning’ April 6

Richmond, Virginia will be ground-zero for a nationwide event called “Day of Mourning,” which is planned for Saturday, April 6.

The grassroots movement is being called a solemn act of repentance for the abortion of millions of innocent babies in America.

“We are just asking God to give us his heart because clearly we do not have his heart when we are executing his children in cold blood,” Elizabeth Johnston, said in an interview on the CBN News show Prayer Link.

Johnston, better known as the Activist Mommy, said she and organizers chose Virginia for the site of “Day of Mourning” because of past comments Gov. Ralph Northam made during an interview with Washington, D.C. radio station WTOP.

The program’s host asked Northam if he supported the bill that would allow a woman to receive an abortion even while she was going into labor.

“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam responded. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

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Johnston said, “The things that Governor Northam said have just grieved the Virginia citizenry and we are coming to Richmond, Virginia.”

Last month, tens of thousands attended the first “Day of Mourning” event that was held in New York. The event was held there because of The Empire State’s extreme pro-abortion law that allows unborn babies to be aborted right up until the moment of birth.

“We had almost 4,000 people in attendance and 40,000 people watching via live stream, all at the same time,” explained Johnston.  “All repenting and mourning together over the 46 years of bloodshed.”

“We had dozens of pastors on the stage, New York pastors, on their faces before God, repenting for their silence and apathy over the last 46 years,” she added. “I cannot tell you how powerful this movement is. We have touched the heart of God. We have tapped into something.”

“People have said that their lives have been changed as a result of the Day of Mourning. And we’re not stopping at mourning. We are now going to mobilize the people to get off of the sidelines and on the frontlines of this battle,” Johnston noted.

Johnston also shared the lineup for the Richmond event, which will include several abortion survivors.

“We will have an eight-year-old adoption advocate and abortion survivor there; that is going to be testifying,” she said. “You will not believe her testimony.

She added, “We will have Ron Archer, who has an incredible testimony.  His mother’s pimps tried to abort him many times unsuccessfully. And now he is a powerful minister of the gospel.”

“I will be speaking,” Johnston explained. “The Benham Brothers will be speaking, David and Jason Benham. But more than speakers, this is a solemn assembly, a time of mourning and repenting and prayer. This is not a pep rally. This is not a political event, a fundraiser. Because we realize we don’t just have a horizontal problem in this nation. We have a vertical problem. And we’ve got to get this right with God. And that’s what we’re doing.”

Organizers are asking people across the country to fast and pray on April 6 and to wear black as a sign of mourning.

“We should not be celebrating these children getting executed like Gov. Cuomo and the radical feminists did when they lit up the World Trade Center pink,” said Johnston.  “We should be grieving and mourning over this and asking God ‘What is my part – what can I do to end this practice of child sacrifice in America?’

“We want to touch the heart of God because in 2 Chronicles 7:14, it says: ‘If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I’ll hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.’  Isn’t that a promise? It’s like an equation, one plus one equals two. It’s a promise so, why aren’t we doing it more? That’s what we’re coming to do,” Johnston continued.

“We’re coming to repent and mourn over our sins as God’s people and he promised us he’d do what? Heal our land,” she noted.

For more information on how you can take part in this event, visit the website:


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