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Why are gay comic book superheroes everywhere?

People who may not have read comic books since they were young may be surprised to see that many are now gay. Superman’s son and Batman’s sidekick Robin are gay. The Flash is nonbinary and Batwoman is a lesbian.

“By now, it’s a pretty well-established pattern in the industry,” according to culture critic and video creator Branson Morse. “Social justice-obsessed people have worked their way into the entertainment industry and are looking to corrupt and pervert everything they can. If they can make a previously established character that was straight into a homosexual hero, then that’s what they’ll do.”

Today you’ll also find that Loki and Kitty Pryde from the X-men are bisexual and Disney also made the Green Lantern gay. The list goes on. So strange is the sudden burst of characters “coming out” that even the secular media has taken notice. It seems straight superheroes are becoming extinct.

Making comic book characters gay gets approval from activists

The reason they are doing this is multi-tiered. For those who aren’t gay but are social justice obsessed, they want the back pats and atta-boys they’ll get for being woke and “progressive,” Morse continues. They know that writing these things will get them accolades from mainstream tastemakers and influencers. They know that their work will, at some point, get translated to the big screen and they can put their name on that.

gay comic

Others need to see themselves in the superheroes they now write. Their ability to be creative begins and ends with their own identities. This is why storylines that would have had nothing to do with being homosexual, trans or any other kind of sexual identity suddenly get infused with hero moments that directly reference one of the alphabet categories, Morse writes on the website Redstate.

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Both of these have in common the need to normalize something that is, in reality, rather fringe. They believe that if they can make something that you love into a vessel for LGBT messaging, you’ll gradually consider it a natural part of the story. This doesn’t just include you. They want younger generations to grow up with this so that, for them, this is all they know about these formerly inspiring characters.

“And don’t think for a moment that this stops at superheroes,” the story said. “Every property or story must be subjected to change by the radicalized. Everything that is popular has to submit to the alterations of modernity. Nothing can go unmolested, because you can have nowhere to run that reinforces a belief system outside of theirs.”

RedState said the best response is to stop supporting the comic book industry

“At this point, walking away and letting these things lose money until a sale is forced or leadership gets its act together, isn’t just a solid strategy, but it’s a great message,” it said. “In the meantime, take your money elsewhere. Japanese manga is going gangbusters with insanely good stories and the sales in America show it. American comic creators such as Eric July are stepping out on their own and creating stories actually worth reading. Mainstream media is more readily available, but it’s hardly the best quality. Solid entertainment is closer than you think, you just have to look for it. When you find it, tell others.”

–Alan Goforth | Metro Voice

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