World Record Pilgrim Arthur Blessitt Dies After Walking 43,000 Miles Carrying Cross

World record pilgrim Arthur Blessitt, who carried a wooden cross across 324 countries, island groups and territories, died on Tuesday at age 84. He had already written a farewell message, which was posted on the Arthur Blessitt Evangelistic Association website.
“I, Arthur Blessitt, have completed my walk and mission on earth. I departed to heaven on Jan. 14, 2025,” he wrote. “I was just a donkey and pilgrim, lifting up the cross and Jesus and loved the people of the world. What a glorious journey of life with Jesus my Lord and Savior. I’ve really been looking forward to this walk in glory. These feet that walked so far on roads of dirt and tar will now be walking on the streets of gold. Ready to see Jesus again.”
He also posted a video (below) anticipating his death in a message to followers.
Ministry began at 15
Blessitt began preaching when he was 15 and ordained as a minister at the age 20. At age 29, he set out on his journey to share Jesus with the world. He left Hollywood, Calif., on Christmas Day 1969 and for the next 56 years carried the cross more than 86 million steps and carried a total weight of 19 billion pounds. The feat landed Blessitt in the Guinness Book of World Records as the “World’s Longest Walk.”
“After having carried the cross in every nation, I can say that the world is open to and hungry for the good news of Jesus and the cross,” he wrote in his biography. “The only problem is that the laborers are few, as Jesus said. My goal has been to get the cross off the wall and into people’s minds and hearts, where they can understand and experience its message. A large cross being carried makes an unforgettable impact on the mind of the person who sees it. Years later people still remember when and where they saw the cross being carried.”
His online post asked that his mission be continued even after his death.
“I request that there be no funeral or memorial service for me,” he wrote. “The greatest thing you could do would be to go out and lead one more soul to be saved. The second thing would be that you would support this ministry of the cross in sharing the message of Jesus with the world. Share Jesus with someone today and lead a lost soul to be saved.
“In Jesus name! A cross carrying pilgrim follower of Jesus.”
More information about Blessitt, life and cross ministry is available at
–Dwight Widaman | Metro Voice