Times Square screens to be blasted with ultrasounds
In a bold move, New York’s Times Square monitors screens will be blasted by live ultrasounds thanks to Focus on the Family.
Focus on the Family announced the May 4 event for ultrasounds Tuesday onĀ CBN News’ “Faith Nation.”
Times Square is one of the nation’s most iconic places and has featured everything from celebrations for the end of World War 2, the moon landing to the annual ball drop to celebrate New Years. The live ultrasound event will undoubtedly cause controversy with liberal New Yorkers who will be confronted with the horrific actions of their Gov. Cuomo who legalized abortion up to birth.
“We’ll have great speakers. We’re going to have music, but we’re also going to do a live ultrasound of a third-trimester baby,” Focus on the Family President Jim Daly said. “There is no way a person is going to be able to say, ‘That is not a child.’ It is a child and we want everyone to see it.”
The undertaking to show live ultrasounds comes as states like New York roll back restrictions on late-term abortion, permitting the procedure up until the moment of birth.
“We’re not shy about going there and saying to Governor Cuomo and others, ‘Let’s look. This isn’t adversarial. Let’s just take a position. Let’s see what an ultrasound looks like,'” said Daly.