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Trump’s Approval Index reaches 51% the day after Pelosi signs Impeachment Articles

On Thursday – the day after Democrats delivered impeachment articles to the Senate – Donald Trump’s Presidential Approval Index rating hit 51% for the first time in nine months, Rasmussen Reports’ Daily Presidential Tracking Poll results show.

Trump’s 51% rating in Rasmussen’s Presidential Approval Index reflects 40% of likely U.S. voters who said they “strongly approve” of the job Pres. Trump is doing and 39% who “strongly disapprove.”

Overall, Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters either “somewhat” or “strongly” approve of President Trump’s job performance, while 47% somewhat or strongly disapprove.

Not since December 5, 2019 – the day House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced Democrats would formally proceed with impeachment – have so few voters disapproved of Trump’s performance.

President Barack Obama had a rating of just 45% at the same time in his first term.

It seems that most Americans like the job the President is doing, despite what Democrat politicians are saying and doing (or not doing).

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Most of the liberal media backs the Democrats and will not report this poll’s results.


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